“Through a Community of Volunteers, Mercy provides quality, whole-person healthcare in a Christ-centered environment to our underserved neighbors.”

Mercy has been providing free medical, dental, pharmacy, counseling, and health education to the uninsured of Clarke, Barrow, Jackson, Madison, Oglethorpe, and Oconee counties for more than two decades. We are able to carry out our mission to serve nearly 2,000 patients annually with the help of more than 500 volunteers and generous donations to help our neighbors in need.

Mercy Health Center is accepting new patients! Patients must have an income below 150% of the federal poverty guidelines. We accept Clarke, Jackson, Madison, Oglethorpe, Oconee, and Barrow County residents. To become a new patient, please call 706-425-9445 and request an appointment.

Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.

1 Chronicles 16:24

Whole Person Healthcare

Mercy provides quality, whole-person healthcare in a Christ-centered environment to our underserved neighbors. In his time on Earth, Jesus Christ validated the dignity of human beings by taking on human form and concerning himself with feeding, clothing, and healing the people around him, especially those without economic or social resources. In our time, God has given us the talents and resources to minister specifically to physical needs. In caring for the body, we seek opportunities to minister to the eternally important spiritual needs of individuals.

If you have a prayer request to share with our prayer team, please provide it here: PRAYER REQUEST

Mercy and Grace

We believe that in Jesus Christ the love, mercy and grace of God are made known to us and to all people. We seek to follow him – in his identification with and compassion for the poor, the afflicted, and the marginalized; in his desire for the physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness of each individual; in his call to share our resources and talents with each other. We look to the Lord as the ultimate author, leader, and guide of all we undertake. Our purpose, vision, ministries, and decisions are nurtured in prayer, seeking the direction and wisdom of the Lord.

Hours of Operation


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